Thursday, October 25, 2012

Apples and Fish! (and other ramblings)

It's only 1:00 PM and the morning began with Doodlebug taking her diaper off and tinkling in her crib.  That led to sheet washing and yes, even mattress washing!  You remember the days or you might be in them right now with me. 
 Then I yell at Mae to put Doodlebug in the "crib", which there is no mattress in, and she yells back, "which crib?"  I yell back, "no I meant the tub!"  So she gets bathed and then she has an accident.   We are in the beginning stages of potty training. She yells "potty" anytime she doesn't want to do something.  Is the potty her manipulation tool?
In the midst of all this, I am trying to have a discussion with my oldest about the Holocaust, call out spelling words with J man, etc. 
Then a few minutes later I go in the laundry room to find my dirty laundry unloaded from the washer.  I said, "I thought I loaded this?"  My oldest informed me Doodlebug and Peanut had unloaded it. 
Then as "M" and I are trying to work on a paper about the Exodus we hear water splashing.  Is it the RED SEA?  In hopes Doodlebug is on her potty we race to the bathroom to find toilet paper unrolled and the two babies splashing merrily in the potty. 
 Washed them up and put them in chairs to eat lunch which ended with the usual "manna rained down from heaven" look all over the floor.  I finally called it quits at 1:00 and tucked them snug in their beds! 
So now it is quiet...and I think I would like to think about a simpler day.
So here goes "APPLES and FISH"!
We ventured on a Friday for a fun "field trip" to the apple orchard . Before we set out to pick Doodlebug was more interested in collecting all the gravel in her bucket.  Daddy was prepared for battle with Peanut in tow and his apple picker.
"M' identified the type apple we wanted to pick by the ribbon on the tree and she set to work bagging them up.  She is a worker girl!
Once in the field, Doodlebug didn't get her game on...
more interested in flowers and grass than apples.
I don't think I picked one apple, all the worker bees were fast at it.

And the easy day continued...we stopped in to see Mimi and Papa at a campground not far from the orchard.  The kids played at the park and then we decided to visit the FISH HATCHERY next door to the campground. This is where fish come into the story. 

 We walked around the fish hatchery admiring the multitudes of fish...some big, some little.  THEN it happened.  We looked up and saw the park ranger locking the gate.  He briskly proceeded to get in his truck and drive away.  There was a whole family in this place! HELLO!  Can you see the fence complete with barbed wire at the top.   This is where we were standing.  He didn't even look! 

I then saw a motorcycle pull up to the gate and I ran over and asked if they would please go next door to the campground and ask them to call someone to get us out.  They said I'm sure you can get out somewhere in the back and pulled away.  WHAT!!! Where is a good samaritan when you need one!  I being the mom, got resourceful and found a woman at a campsite reading (across a rushing creek).   Not knowing whether to yell, HELP, or not.  I decided to yell "MAM"!  I yelled and yelled, seeing this as our only hope.  She finally heard me and thought I was yelling for my boy "SAM"!  She was my good samaritan for the day and went to get help.   So that is how "apples and fish" ended up swimming together that day.

Monday, October 22, 2012

We laughed so hard we cried!

I teach at our homeschool group once a week and this six weeks we are learning to play the tin whistle.  I should say "I" am learning to play the tin whistle.  I sat on the front porch going over the material enjoying the beautiful fall day.  "M" came out and I said,  "I need a tutorial on this tin whistle."  She sat down beside me and tried to teach her poor mother how to play this quite simple instrument.  She clapped out the beat...rather banged it out with her tin whistle on my book.  She got so frustrated with my lack of compliance.  It sounded like a dying bird.   The boys next door were peering over the wall to see what the horrible noise was.    


I laughed so hard I almost cried.  Never fear homeschool moms with kids in my class...  I will press on with my tutor "M" and I will try my best! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ella's Elephant Birthday

Ella's Elephant Party....Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Girl!
 We've been throwing lots of parties around here lately and have a few more parties, showers, and events planned. The big girls and I love to decorate!  Life is worth celebrating...right?
Doodlebug just couldn't wait for the party to start so she dove right in as a taste tester!
We played silly one year old"ish" games and the big kids and cousins played along!

                 Doodlebug wanted to try out all Peanut's new gifts...even the sippy cup from Mimi.  She got an adorable kitty cat backpack from Skip Hop from her cousins. 
                                      Big sis already has the owl one!  Adorable!

It has been a wonderful year watching you grow!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A "sweet" fine day!

It was 12 years ago that we first went to pick up Katie to babysit.  We never imagined the long time friendship that we would have with her. With each new addition to our family they all grew to love Katie.  She has given us many date nights out and the night was never over until we had sat in my kitchen and talked through life.  It was an honor to have her wedding reception at our home this past weekend...a small thank you for all she has poured into my children! 

 My oldest made Katie a quilt for a wedding gift.  She cried!
                                     Twelve year olds can be pretty amazing!
Katie had the most creative and very "sweet" reception! (Literally!)
The Krispy Kreme donuts made me most excited!
Coffee bar, Krispy Kreme Donuts, Milk in Glass Bottles, Chick-fil-A Nugget Bar, Glass Bottle Cokes, Homemade Ice Cream, and Six Different Layer Cakes...
I meant it when I said it was a "sweet" fine day!
Katie's sister made this amazing painting for all the guests to sign.
Katie's Babysitting Crew (minus the babies)

All the guests had fun with "the frame"!
Celebrating Austin and Katie was definately "the sweetest" part of the day!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A year has come and gone!

(photo one year ago)

  I desperately don't want another day to slip by without recording life now that the babies are one.  I chose the title, Woven Together, because God has woven our hearts together in amazing ways through adoption and the birth of a baby.  God continues to weave our days together day after day as we homeschool, play, and work side by side.  I want to capture the everyday remind myself continually that the daily grind, day in and day out, does matter as I help shape these little people that I spend my days with.